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Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines

Thank you for choosing to submit your manuscript to us. To facilitate a seamless process from peer review to publication, please thoroughly review and follow the instructions provided. Adhering to these guidelines will ensure that your submission meets the journal's standards.

The Innovative Journal of Applied Science provides a platform for the rapid, bi-monthly publication of research in diverse fields, including Biology, Applied Life Sciences, Dentistry, Oral Sciences, Applied Microbiology, Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Machine Learning, Applied Chemistry, Materials Science, Environmental Science, Earth Sciences, Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics, Biotechnology, Zoology, Veterinary Sciences, Food Science, Forestry, Genetics, Genomics, Plant Sciences, and other related areas. We encourage the submission of manuscripts that contribute significantly to scientific knowledge. Articles are published within one week following final acceptance.

To submit your manuscript, please use our Online Submission System or email it directly. You will receive a manuscript number within 72 hours of submission.

Article Submission Guidelines

General Submission Requirements:

  • Electronic Submission: Authors should include a cover letter specifying the manuscript type (e.g., Research Article, Review Article, Brief Report, Case Study). Editorials or Letters to the Editor should be submitted by invitation, except in special cases.
  • Authorship Criteria: All listed authors must meet the uniform authorship criteria established by the Innovative Journal of Applied Science.
  • Exclusivity Confirmation: The manuscript should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • Financial Disclosure: Authors are required to disclose any financial support received for the work or any potential conflicts of interest.
  • Title Page Requirements: The title page should include the title, full author details (affiliations, qualifications, contact information), and any relevant conflict of interest disclosures.
  • Corresponding Author Responsibilities: The corresponding author should provide comprehensive contact details and address any post-publication conflicts of interest.
  • Document Preparation: Manuscripts should be sequentially paginated, including references, tables, and figure legends, with the title page as page 1.

Specific Article Types:

  • Research Articles: Should be based on original research, contribute new knowledge, and include a structured abstract with up to 10 keywords. The manuscript should follow the Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, and References format.
  • Review Articles: Provide a comprehensive analysis of a specific subject using secondary data. They should start with an abstract (up to 300 words) and keywords, followed by an introduction, a detailed discussion supported by data, and a summary. References are required.
  • Commentaries: These are short opinion pieces on specific developments or research findings relevant to the journal's scope. They should include a title, abstract, problem statement, analysis, and conclusion, with illustrations or tables as needed. References are required.
  • Case Study: Contributes additional insights through structured sections, including Case and Methods, Discussion, and Conclusion.
  • Editorials: Short articles commenting on published issues or articles in the Innovative Journal of Applied Science. These are typically by invitation and should be submitted within three weeks.
  • Clinical Images: Photographs relevant to the field, limited to 5 figures with concise descriptions (up to 300 words). Minimal references are allowed.
  • Letters to the Editor/Concise Communications: Comments on previously published articles or concise reports on research findings. They do not require a formal structure and should be submitted within six months of the article’s publication.


  • References should be cited in the text using numbers in square brackets, listed sequentially as they appear. At the end of the manuscript, list references in consecutive order.
  • Include full names for up to five authors; for more than five authors, list the first five followed by "et al."
  • Provide article titles and inclusive page numbers. Personal communications and unpublished data should be cited directly in the text by the first author without numbering and include reference links.
  • Where available, include the PubMed Unique Identifier (PMID) and URLs for cited articles.


  • Article: John AD, Ababio E, Abbasi B, Razak A, Spillias S, et al. (2024) Harnessing Nanotechnology for Advanced Drug Delivery Systems. J Med Health Psychiatry 1: 2.
  • Book: John AD (1997) The Applied Science. New York: Atheneum.

Tables and Figures:

  • Tables should follow the reference list, cited in the text in the order they appear. Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals and provide titles. Avoid internal vertical rules, and define abbreviations in a legend.
  • Figure legends should also follow the tables or reference list, with each legend corresponding to its figure. Number figures consecutively and cite them in the text in the order they appear.

Abstract Preparation Rules:

  • Abstracts must be written in English, with the title not exceeding 300 characters, including spaces. Avoid non-standard abbreviations and use capitalization.
  • The authors' full names should be formatted with the first letter capitalized, followed by the middle initial (uppercase) and the full last name.
  • Include the name, town, and country of the institution(s) where the work was conducted.
  • Avoid underlining any word in the title, authors’ list, or institution name.
  • Structure the abstract into sections: Context, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. For case reports, use Context, Case Report, and Conclusion. Section headers should be bold, followed by a space and the section text. Avoid sentences like “The results will be discussed...”.

Please ensure strict adherence to these guidelines to facilitate an efficient review process.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.


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Your names and email addresses will be used only for the specified goals of the journal, which include notifications, correspondence, and article submissions. We are maintaining the privacy of your personal data. This information will not be shared, sold, or used for any other purposes, and will not be disclosed to third parties. We place a high priority on your privacy and take all necessary steps to safety measure your information in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.